Launch app

The One-Stop Trade Platform on Sei Network

Upgrade to the next level of decentralized trading on the Sei Network and experience the pulse of the market through XEI’s integration with dynamic meme communities, driving unprecedented trading excitement and opportunities. Launch with XEI Launchpad, where fairness meets innovation for explosive growth in crypto assets.

New Way of Trading on XEI - Smoother, Smarter and Sharper

XEI's commitment to transforming the trading landscape is evident in our approach: smoother processes, smarter technology, and sharper trading.


XEI Trading Innovations

Elevating crypto trading with launchpads, advanced DEX features, and on-chain derivatives.



XEl launchpad streamlines new crypto asset issuance and fosters vibrant trading communities.


DEX Trading

XEI, a cutting-edge DEX, catalyzes Sei Network's growth with advanced EVM support.


Derivatives Trading

DEXs like Uniswap popularize spot trading while XEI on Sei Network now enable on-chain derivatives.

Next-Level Trading Starts with XEI

Join the future of trading with our advanced DEX features and robust social tools.


Token Launchpad

Launch and trade new assets effortlessly, inspired by Solana's success. Our fair launch model ensures transparent and equal access for all users.


Perpetual Swaps Support

Engage in advanced trading with perpetual swaps, fully on-chain, backed by loan platforms on Sei to enhance liquidity and trading power.


Meme Community Integration

Tap into the energy of meme communities, unlocking new trading dynamics and growth opportunities immediately after XEI's launch.


Social Trading

Instantly trade within Telegram, guided by influential leaders directly in your chats, powered by BNB Chain-recognized decentralized wallets.



Transform trading with game like features that boost user engagement and volume, leveraging the team's proven gaming industry success.

Blueprint for Success: Building Tomorrow

Track XEI’s progress as we build the ultimate trading ecosystem.

Preparation Phase-Q1,2024
  • Sei Network Investment:XEI received support and investment from Sei Network in March.
  • Development XEI:Build up XEI's product structure and initial model, and begin development.
  • First Funding Round:Secure significant investments from key stakeholders to fuel the initial development and marketing efforts.
Launch Phase-Q2,2024
  • New White Paper Publication:Release of an XEI white paper detailing XEI's refined vision, technological architecture, and roadmap.
  • Product Launch:Launch of spot trading on the web browser.
Expansion Phase-Q3,2024
  • Next Round Financing:Secured additional funding to expand operational capabilities and accelerate product development.
  • Token Airdrop Programs:Implementation of token award programs to incentivize user engagement.
  • Exchange Listing:XEI is slated for listing on major cryptocurrency exchanges, enhancing liquidity and accessibility for traders globally.
Margin Trading Extension-Q4,2024
  • Joint Marketing Campaign:Launch of a series of joint marketing campaigns with market-maker partners and Sei Network to strengthen market-making efforts.
  • Perpetual Swap Introduction:Rollout of perpetual swap trading capabilities.
Market Integration Phase-Q1,2025
  • Market-Maker Bay Launch:Inauguration of the Market-Maker Bay to facilitate improved trading strategies
  • Options Trading Support:With the support of the MMB, addition of options trading to diversify trading instruments.
  • Broadening Token Access:Expansion of platform token availability across both decentralized and centralized exchanges